Saturday, June 30, 2007


My younger brother died a week ago today. Cathy and I and my parents had been taking turns keeping vigil by his hospital bed. We were at home when the call came and by the time we got to the hospital, he had passed.

Obviously it has been an emotional week and I'll need some time to process before I can write about it in any but documentary fashion.

For the curious, his obituary is here.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Christ's Journey

I'll use this post to link to all of the audio segements for Christ's Journey.

Prologue -- Isaiah 9:6-7

The Annunciation -- Luke 1:26-56

The Nativity -- Luke 2:1-19

The Coming of the Magi -- Matthew 2:1-21

A Visit to the Temple -- Luke 2:40-52

Jesus' Baptism -- Mark 1:2-13

Jesus is Tempted -- Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus Calls Disciples -- Matthew 4:12-22

The Wedding at Cana -- John 2:1-12

The Beatitudes -- Matthew 4:23 - 5:12

Healing and Resurrection -- Luke 7:1 -15

Healing of a Withered Hand -- Mark 3:1-6

Nicodemus' Visit -- John 3:1-21

Jarius' Daughter -- Mark 5:22-43

The Samaritan Woman -- John 4:3-44

Anointed by a Woman -- Luke 7:36-50

Feeding the Multitude -- John 6:1-15

Jesus Walks on Water -- Matthew 14:22-36

Jesus Visits Mary and Martha -- Luke 10:38-42

A Woman Taken In Adultery -- John 8:1 -11

NOTE (7/6/07) -- I'm going to suspend this project for a while. At least for the next little while I'm going to re-prioritize my activities.

I'm going to keep my podcast (Short Cummings Audio) going because the creative work is an important and positive thing for me to do. I will get back to this project, I'm just not certain when.

If you'd like to contact me, please feel free to post a comment here or e-mail me at the address given on the left side of this screen.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tipping Point

As of this Easter I will have been a member of the Roman Catholic church for 22 years ... more than half my life. In other words, I've been a Catholic longer than not.

During last night's Vigil I reflected on those years; in part because this is the season when time folds in on itself for me and each Easter is all Easters.

Last weekend (Palm Sunday) at the 8:15 Mass I had the privilege of reading the Narrator's part in the Passion. To assist us, the Monsignor has prepared small folders with the passion printed in large, easy-to-read letters. The folder I was given this year had notes written in my hand on the inside page. At some point in the past, in the endless three-year cycle of readings, I'd used that folder before.

Was it from 2004 when I was two-thirds through my Graduate degree; when I struggled to keep up the end of my Arbitration class and graduation felt like it would never come?

Was it from 2001 when I hadn't yet begun my Mediation Certificate and the horros of Speptember 11th hadn't yet changed the world.

1998? Possible, although at that time I'm not sure I was a lector yet.

I wonder what the 'me' of that earlier reading would think of the 'me' of today.

This sense of compression, of being at the junction point in the infinity symbol of time, hits with full force during the Vigil. Although I've not attended the service every year, I've been to more than I've missed. Attending is a brief moment of connection with myself in each of the years before.

My first Vigil, St. Catherine of Sienna Newman Center in Salt Lake, was my Confirmation and First Communion. I didn't come to the Church in the usual way. I felt the desire to be part of the Community of Faith and had attended Mass regularly for a couple of years. When I decided to join two generous priests -- Frs. Bramble and McGreevey -- completed my Catechism and allowed me to be Confirmed even though I'd not gone through the formal RCIA. Cathy's parents were there and I remember being somewhat overwhelmed by it all.

To be honest, I probably understood less about the Faith than I should and yet I believed; deeply and completely. That was enough and the details came later as I grew.

Just after Evan was born I traveled to Nashville to present at a conference at Easter. My travel plans left the Vigil as my only option. A cab took me from my temporary quarters at the Opryland Hotel to a nearby parish. It was a windy night and during the Blessing of the New Fire a gust caught the cloth draped over the table and dipped it in the fire. Altar Servers and Deacons rushed to extinguish the unwanted flame. Once we were safely inside, the service proceeded as expected. That was the first Vigil I'd attended since my own and I remember thinking that mine hadn't seemed that long.

Once Cathy and I took up ministries -- Eucharistic Minister for her and Lector for me -- we were called upon to attend Vigils more often. Flash photo snapshots of various years present themselves in my mind; reading from Genesis about Abraham and Isaac, Exodus and the Crossing of the Red Sea; Isaiah promising food and drink; Paul explaining that we were buried with Christ in Baptism so that we could rise with Him. At most I'm assigned two of the readings, so I know that these memories cross multiple years.

Cathy and I served on the RCIA team one year, but that particular Vigil doesn't stand out to me now.

I remember reading at the Vigil the year that Ken was confirmed. He asked me to sponsor him. Various circumstances stretched his own Catechism into a two-year marathon. In some ways it was the inverse of my own; long where mine had been short, arduous where mine had been more simple. Yet Ken hung in there and I was proud to be his sponsor. He has remained faithful where others have fallen away. To date, he is the only person I have sponsored. The role of sponsor is not one I take lightly and I'd only take on another candidate after careful and prayerful consideration.

This Vigil also pointed to the future. It was Ian's last assigned Mass as an Altar Server. There's something bittersweet in the knowledge that he'll be moving on. We've applied for housing at the Newman Center for him and I pray that he gets in.

In two years we'll face the same circumstance with Evan.

Then we'll be older and empty-nesters and life will change. Grandkids? College graduations? It's hard to say what might be happening. Yet through it all there will be Easter and the Vigil and the Resurrection.

And, as always, time will fold in on itself for me.

May God Bless you and keep you in this joyous Easter Season!

Happy Easter!

The penitential season of Lent has passed and now we celebrate the Joy of Easter.

During Lent I managed to establish the habit of recording the project weekly ... a habit which I itend to continue through the coming months until I reach the end of the project. As each new segment is completed, I'll upload it here.

I hope this Blessed Day finds you well. Cathy and I will be spending the day with my Father and Brother (both of the boys have to work this weekend). Then we plan a quiet and restful afternoon at home.

God Bless You!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lenten Project -- Take Two

After fussing with the files for a while and playing with Cinescore, I'm not particularly satisfied with the final product I'm getting. I might feel a little happier with the Cinescore Wedding pack which includes some classical selections, but I'm afraid that the limited music available would make the segments repetetive.

So, for the nonce at least, I'm going with dry voice. I've gone back and re-edited all of the files without any special effects or music.

I don't expect to have it all recorded -- there are nearly 40 segments -- by the end of Lent. Instead, I intend to use this Lenten observation to start a new habit.

The first four segements are done and I'll link to them shortly.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday 2007

Not much to say, really, but didn't want to let the day pass without comment.

I will work on the project during Lent and see how far I can get.

Wishing you a good and fulfilling Lent.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Project

Lent begins this coming Wednesday and the calendar reminds me that I need to begin work on my recording project. As previously noted, I've chosen the 1899 Douay-Rheims text.

As part of my Lenten sacrifice, I'll record and mix at least one segement each week. The first two are done and may be accessed at the links below. Comments and feedback are welcomed.

Prologue -- Isaiah 9:6-7

The Annunciation -- Luke 1:26-56

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Questions of Scripture

I thought I had a script all worked out for my narrative version of Christ's Life. I put together a couple of "proof of concept" pieces and played them for CAC. There were some audio issues (I'm experimenting with different mic stands, but I'll get that worked out), but more to the point CAC wasn't thrilled about the language of the translation I'd used.

For various reasons I selected the King James Version. It would be recognizable and acceptable to a great many English-speaking Christians and it has the benefit of being in the public domain. CAC objected, though, on the grounds that the language is archaic. She would have preferred for me to use the New American Bible, but the copyright closes off that option.

(ASIDE: The podcast Verbum Domini ran into trouble with this last year. The USSCB essentially asked the host to cease and desist and has subsequently started their own daily reading podcast. The whole thing was document by Fr. Roderick on The Daily Breakfast. I can certainly understand why the Bishops would want to protect the copyright on the NAB, but the host of Verbum Domini did a great job. It would have been nice if he could have continued.)

That leaves me with limited options and I've spent much of the afternoon reading up on Bible history. Fascinating stuff. I've found that my best option is probably to use the Douay-Rheims version as it is a Catholic translation and was the basis of virtually all English Catholic bibles until the middle of the last century. I had heard of it, but I wasn't particularly familiar with the history behind it. The text itself is based on the Latin Vulgate translation by St. Jerome. The text was translated during the time when Catholics were being persecuted in England and priests were trained across the channel in Douay, France. There are plenty of web references, so I'll not bore you with them here. Suffice it to say that the interplay of personalities and texts is complex.

Copies of various versions of the Douay-Rheims can be found on-line including one here (oddly, it's not in their drop-down list, but it can be found with a little digging) and here.The Douay-Rheims was replaced in America in the middle of the twentieth-century by the Revised Standard Version -- Catholic Edition. I've found it on-line, but the copyright status is not entirely clear to me. More research is in order.

Oh, and while I was exploring I found a fellow named Jimmy Akin who has a fascinating story of Faith and conversion and a terrific page which explains his reasons for conversion. It was one of those wonderful little things that pops up when doing web research.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thoughts on a Hanging

I've been struggling the last few days with the proper response to the Hanging of Saddam Hussein.

He was a monster, there's no denying that. His crimes clearly meet even the most lenient definition of "atrocity". Yet I am opposed to the death penalty unless it is the only way in which society can protect itself. I don't think this qualified.

So...what to think?

Fleming Rutledge posted her thoughts on the Generous Orthodoxy blog and I think she's said it better than I ever could. You can read it here.